For the entire family

See the Life and Works of the House of Savoy, the Palazzo Reale of Torino, the one spot where families can learn about the region’s history while viewing the gorgeous architecture and furnishings.

The Museo Egizio, a very exciting museum that is popular for families.

The Parco del Valentino is the most famous of all parks in Turin. At the center of the park is the Castello  del Valentino, which currently houses the Faculty of Architecture for the Politecnico di Torino. The Fontana delle Stagioni (Fountain of Strains) was opened at the end of the 1800s, and is a large bath in rococo style that is surrounded by twelve different statues symbolizing the 12 months of the year. This is the perfect spot to let the kids run off some steam or enjoy an afternoon outdoors.

The Juventus Stadium, which was opened on 8 September 2011, can house all fans not only on the occasion of games, but also during the week thanks to the Juventus Stadium Tours, which guided tours allow all supporters and followers to visit the facility in order to discover its hidden places.