Health assistance for FIAT employees

Fiat provides health assistance for its employees

Medical offices: inside plants and work units. Here you can find them with opening hours. Always present a nurse and, at certain hours, also a medical assistance. You can go without appointment in the opening hours for urgent doctor’s visit or medical examinations prescriptions for you and the family.
Fiat Sepin Ce.Me.Di. Health center is a modern and very well advanced  medical center for medical examinations and consultancies, ultrasound scan together with  an analytic laboratory.

Where: Torino, Corso Massimo D’Azeglio, 25 View map

Opening hours: from Monday to Friday 7.30 a.m. till 7 p.m.

To book your visit or examination have an appointment it is necessary to have a prescription from your family doctor or another private doctor.
For more information you can write to or call 011.0066305 (English speaking staff) . 
Visit the website to check all medical examinations you can book there.

Fiat medical center has also a Sports medicine service, for all people practicing sports. A team of doctors working to prevent and nurse all the diseases related to the sports activities.
They can issue medical certificates for the different purposes.